My Beliefs




Pastor Ean Hendrix:


Just the other day I was talking to my 13 yr old daughter who had no desire to hear what I had to say. She annoyingly said to me “I already know what your going to say”. Like so many teens, she believed she had it all figured out. Turns out, she was wrong. Believe it or not, she can still learn somethings, even from her dad.


It is important to me that people know what I believe. As a pastor, I believe I have some very important and beneficial things to share. In fact, it is so important to me that I not only want you to know what I believe, I also want you to know why I believe it. I believe if others are willing to take the time to examine the facts, seek answers to their questions and be persistent in seeking truth, they will also come to a saving faith in Jesus.  Because it’s important to me for others to understand why I believe what I believe, it’s also important for me to know why others believe what they believe.


After this last presidential election, we have had no lack of people telling others not only what they believe but also what everyone else should believe. I find so many people are so sure about what they believe but can’t give an intelligent reason why they hold to that belief. If you tell me something is a fact and I should believe it but you can’t tell me how you know this fact or why it’s true, I will probably not have much faith in anything you say. On the other hand, if you are able to give a good defense for what you believe and are ready and willing to answer my questions, I will be more likely to trust what you say the next time you have something to say.


In my Christian walk I have heard many preachers say many things I didn’t agree with. Over time I began to respect some of those preachers to the point I knew if they were making the statement it was well thought out and worth my time to consider.  I have even had a few times I found out I was wrong and changed what I believed. Actually, it was more than a few times. The more I learn the more I understand how much I have to learn.


Now, I know what I believe and why I believe it. I am even ready to defend what I believe on many topics and find at times people will even agree with me. I have witnessed lives changed, marriages saved and people placing their faith in Jesus as a result. This truth I now know is powerful and I want to share it. It’s not because it’s my truth, it’s because it’s God’s truth.  I’m even at the point that if it’s said in the Bible I know it’s true, even if I don’t fully understand it yet.


Jesus challenged the beliefs of the experts of the day. What they believed about the Sabbath Day, about the kingdom, about the Father and especially about Messiah was constantly challenged.  Over time, those who took the time to consider His words were so sure in Him that they were willing to walk away from the religion they had followed their whole lives and trust in His truth.  When it’s a matter of your eternal soul, you better be sure in what you believe.


Jesus was very concerned with what men believe. He said to Martha “whoever lives by believing in me will never die”.  He then asked her an important question, “Do you believe this?” (John 11:26)  John the baptist devoted his life to making sure people knew what to believe, John 1:7 He (John) came as a witness to testify concerning that light(Jesus), so that through him all might believe.  And God will welcome you into Heaven based on what you believe, John 3:16.


They other day I was challenged by a brother in Christ on something I believe. He had heard a persuasive preacher say something contrary to what I said from the pulpit. While he was trying to convince me of his new found truth he asked “doesn’t the Bible say” to which I was quick to respond “no, it doesn’t”.  I said, “if you can find that in the Bible, I’ll agree with you, but that is something you will never find in the Bible.”  Even with the only completely reliable source readily at his disposal, he was not willing to take the time to verify it before he tried to change my mind.  Even with all the study Bibles, concordances, commentaries and online resources, he was ready to convince me of a lie he could never be sure in.


In 1 Peter 3:15, Peter tells us to “always be ready to give an answer” or in other translations   “give a defense". In Greek, the word for defense is apologia, which as you likely know is where we get the word apologetics. Giving a defense is very important, but Peter is not saying you should give a defense but rather that you should always be ready. I don’t want to hear your defense unless you are ready to give it. Peter also explains to do it with “meekness and fear”.


My well meaning friend was giving a defense he was not ready to give and had no meekness or fear when it came to attempting to change what I believe.  He was, however, full of passion and willingness to share his new found belief. Being passionate about something is not an excuse to skip doing the work. The important part is to be ready with an attitude of meekness and fear.  I want to know what you believe, but I’m more concerned with why you believe it and what your attitude about it is.


In the end, we can’t all be right about everything we say, but we can be sure about the important things. I’m sure about Christ and I’m ready to give a defense. I’m sure about the Bible and I’m also ready to defend that belief. I’m also sure where I will be for eternity. I’m not only sure about it, but I’m ready to share why I know what I know. Be ready Christian brothers and sisters. It’s important you are ready when you share your faith.


We are talking about a soul matter here. If I’m wrong about my facts on a candidate, a job choice or even a health decision it can be very costly. It’s worth taking the time, seeking counsel and making sure I have the facts. When it comes to soul matters, it’s never more important you have the facts. Are you ready?


1 Peter 3:15

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:




Glendale Baptist Church

2236 South Ingram Mill Road | Springfield, MO 65804

Ph: 417.881.8717 | E:

Located on the west side of Highway 65 between the Battlefield and Sunshine exits.


Sunday School: 9:30 AM | Morning Worship: 10:40 AM South Entrance | Evening Worship: 6:00 PM North Entrance | Wednesday Night: 6:30 PM North Entrance